Tuesday, 28 April 2009

MAS Let's Go Now contest

I am sure many are aware of the on-going MAS Let's Go Now contest that had been running for the past few weeks.

The requirements are simple: submit a photo related to that week's theme, and write an interesting/witty caption for it. The top 5 pic will be selected by the panel of judges and is open for public voting.

Captivating prizes as below, for each of the waves:


  • Wave 1 four (4) days three (3) nights holiday package for two (2) to Bangkok
  • Wave 2 five (5) days four (4) nights holiday package for two (2) to Perth
  • Wave 3 five (5) days four (4) nights holiday package for two (2) to Delhi
  • Wave 4 five (5) days four (4) nights holiday package for two (2) to Beijing
  • Wave 5 six (6) days four (4) nights holiday package for two (2) to London
  • Wave 6 six (6) days four (4) nights holiday package for two (2) to Rome
I have earmarked this contest ever since i saw it on the newspaper, but upon further understanding of the terms and conditions, i have decided to forgo the entry for wave 1, basically to observe the quality of the contest submission.

And besides, who wants to go to Bangkok anyway, at least not for the time being.

So wave 1 ended on 21 Apr 09, and i decided to check out the competition from the contest page above.
And for the first 10 minutes i was staring blankly into the screen, wondering where are the 5 finalists' pictures open for voting.

See if you could tell me where to click.


No? Yeah, i figured so.

Then only i realized that the Vote link will only appear on the subsequent pages, eg. after you click on the Stories or Terms and Conditions link.
So.... no Vote link from the Main page, but got link from the sub pages.

Hm. Is that an easter egg?

Ok, fine. Then you click on the Vote link and it requires that you login (or create a MyStar account if you don't already have one) first.

Then comes the voting page.
You see 5 pictures relating to the that week's theme.

But wait, spot anything missing?


Where are those witty and interesting captions that were supposed to go with those great pics?
Are we just voting based on the pictures alone?
Are those captions merely to get into the finals?
For the panel of judges' eyes only?

Man, die lah. Like that how to check out the competition?


KY said...

oo I wouldn't mind ROME!

calvaryzone said...

yeah, that is if you win. hehehehe.
go give it a try at wave 6 (last chance)

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